Scalp psoriasis is a common yet often treatment-resistant autoimmune condition that frequently co-occurs with psoriasis in other areas. Currently, the specific influence of the scalp microbiome on scalp psoriasis, and how this can be leveraged for treatment, remains largely unexplored.
What We Know:
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting 1–3% of the global population, characterised by persistent, scaly plaques. Genetic, environmental and epigenetic factors contribute to its development, with up to 80% of psoriasis patients experiencing scalp involvement (Choi et al., 2024).
Treatments for scalp psoriasis range from topical agents, including steroids and vitamin D analogues, to systemic treatments like methotrexate and cyclosporine. Despite available therapies, managing scalp psoriasis remains complex due to challenges with topical application and variability in patient response (Ghafoor et al., 2022).
Industry Impact and Potential:
The skin microbiome of psoriasis patients differs significantly from that of healthy individuals. Psoriatic lesions exhibit increased Staphylococcus and decreased Cutibacterium compared to healthy controls. This dysbiosis may cause inflammation, impaired skin barrier functions and autoimmunity (Choi et al., 2024).
Researcher has shown that microbial diversity in the scalp microbiome increased with the severity of scalp psoriasis. Pseudomonas and Malassezia species, particularly M. globosa, were more prevalent in severe cases. Malassezia is linked to several skin conditions, including psoriasis and its lipase activity may disrupt the skin barrier and provoke inflammation (Choi et al., 2024).
Additionally, the IL-17 pathway, a key player in psoriasis pathogenesis, interacts with Malassezia to exacerbate skin inflammation. Understanding these microbial changes offers a promising avenue for developing targeted treatments that address the root causes of scalp psoriasis, potentially enhancing patient outcomes (Choi et al., 2024).
Powered by their Amino M³ Complex,™ @Act + Acre’s Microbiome Cooling Scalp Serum helps balance the scalp microbiome, soothing dryness, itching and reducing dandruff flakes. The formula uses peppermint oil for immediate relief, while amino acids, grape, ginger and frankincense restore microbiota balance and provide long-term protection against irritation.
Our Solution:
Sequential, with its database of over 20,000 microbiome samples and 4,000 ingredients, offers comprehensive services to evaluate product impacts on the microbiome. Our customizable microbiome studies, combined with real-world testing environments, provide critical insights into product efficacy. By partnering with Sequential, you gain access to data-driven solutions that help optimise your formulations and ensure they support scalp health in line with emerging research.
Choi, J.-Y., Kim, H., Min, K.-H., Song, W.-H., Yu, D.-S., Lee, M. & Lee, Y.-B. (2024) Bacteria, Fungi, and Scalp Psoriasis: Understanding the Role of the Microbiome in Disease Severity. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 13 (16), 4846. doi:10.3390/jcm13164846.
Ghafoor, R., Patil, A., Yamauchi, P., Weinberg, J., Kircik, L., Grabbe, S. & Goldust, M. (2022) Treatment of Scalp Psoriasis. Journal of drugs in dermatology: JDD. 21 (8), 833–837. doi:10.36849/JDD.6498.