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The Skin Microbiome Review
Dec 10
Hormonal Harmony: How Do the Menstrual Cycle and Hormonal Contraception Influence the Vaginal Microbiome?
While age, environment and genetics are known to affect the vaginal microbiome, the impact of hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual...
Nov 12
Smooth Operator or Silent Saboteur: Is Your Lubricant to Blame?
Many females report using personal lubricants during intimate sexual activities to help alleviate vaginal dryness and the genitourinary...
Oct 3
Microbiome Matters: Exploring the Intersection of Vaginal Health and Reproductive Disorders
Reproductive disorders affect millions of people worldwide. As we uncover more of the causative factors driving these diseases, including...
Oct 1
Microbial Dynamics in Reproductive Health: Exploring Links to Fertility, Pregnancy and Beyond
Fertility factors & vaginal microbiome: Researchers conducted 16S rRNA sequencing on samples from 85 participants (xu et al., 2020) Age...
Sep 27
The Vaginal Microbiome: Bacterial Vaginosis
What we know: Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) affects 23-29% of women worldwide, and it costs $4.8 billion to treat symptomatic BV annually...
Sep 13
Revolutionising Female Reproductive Health: The Potential of Vaginal Microbiome Transplantation
Vaginal microbiome transplantation (VMT) is an emerging treatment that aims to restore the natural balance of the vaginal microbiome,...
May 17
Delving into Feminine Wellness: Redefining Intimate Care with the Vulvar Microbiome
While our understanding of the microbial composition of the vulva is still evolving, it holds the potential to maintain overall genital heal
Feb 6
What Do We Know About the Vaginal Microbiome?
When it comes to the personal care industry for intimate female care products, there is still a lot to be explored.
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